For January 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from nine different companies (SEIC, MO, LECO, GNTX, MSM, CMCSA, CIM, & FL). The total was $329.09. This was a 20% increase from January of 2021 where the total was $274.08. The increase was due to increased payments from all nine companies and despite no payment from SPG which paid out in December in 2021 instead of January. A great way to start the new year with a 20% gain from 1 less payout.


For December 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-five different companies (AFL, PSX, INTC, F, HON, LYB, JNJ, V, AMGN, SNA, EVR, WBA, CVX, MET, SWKS, RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $491.66. This was a 11% increase from December of 2020 where the total was $444.73. The increase was due to new payments from AMGN, CVX, & FAF. A resumption of the dividend from F, SPG paying out in December this year which they did not do last year, and increased payments from the remaining payers. The increase is also despite of no special payment from MSM this year, which accounted for 38% of December 2020’s total payment so we’re really happy to see us beat the year over year.

This December payment put us well over the $7,000.00 mark for the year, with the total dividends in 2021 closing out at $7,241.99.

A full recap of 2021 and comparison year over year will be posted in the coming weeks.


This massive month was all due to a huge payout from VALE. VALE alone paid out over $2,000.00 this month. This was a regular dividend payment from VALE but the large amount was due mostly to iron-ore prices more than doubling during the pandemic. The spot price has since fallen to more normal levels so we unfortunately don’t expect repeat cash outs like this but no complaints when they come in. Further, comparing with last October there was no new payers this month and actually one less payment as SPG paid out in September this year instead of October.

Last month we noted we crossed our goal of $4,000.00 for the year. One month later we’ve now crossed $6,000.00 for the year. With two months left we’re going to see if we can cross $7,000.00. If we can. the real challenge then will be trying to top it in 2022.


The increase was due to increase payments from PSX, V, HON, SWKS, JNJ, LYB, EVR, SNA, WBA, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU, AEG, TROW, EVC, and AVGO. New payments from INTC, AMGN, CVX, MET, and FAF. Restarted dividends from LEA, though less than they were paying pre-pandemic. And Lastly, SPG paying out in Oct last year instead of September as is typical for them.

As noted throughout our posts this year, we expect the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. Overall we’ve crossed our original goal for this year of $4,000.00 in dividend income and are now seeing how much of a beat we can get on the year! We also hit the milestone of crossing $10,000.00 in total dividend income since the start of the portfolio in 2018!


For June 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-three different companies (AFL, PSX, V, INTC, HON, SWKS, JNJ, SNA, CVX, EVR, WBA, MET, LYB, FAF, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU, SEIC, TROW, LEA, EVC, AVGO). The total was $379.85 This was a 123% increase from June of 2020 where the total was $170.46.

The increase was due to new payouts from AFL, INTC, CVX, MET, FAF, SEIC. A resumption of dividends in LEA. TROW, EVC, AVGO paying out in June this year instead of July. And finally increased payouts from PSX, V, HON, SWKS, JNJ, SNA, EVR, WBA, LYB, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU. As noted prior, we expect the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. However, we’re happy to take these 100% increases and tracking the yr/yr we are well ahead of where we were last year.