For June 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-three different companies (AFL, PSX, V, INTC, HON, SWKS, JNJ, SNA, CVX, EVR, WBA, MET, LYB, FAF, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU, SEIC, TROW, LEA, EVC, AVGO). The total was $379.85 This was a 123% increase from June of 2020 where the total was $170.46.
The increase was due to new payouts from AFL, INTC, CVX, MET, FAF, SEIC. A resumption of dividends in LEA. TROW, EVC, AVGO paying out in June this year instead of July. And finally increased payouts from PSX, V, HON, SWKS, JNJ, SNA, EVR, WBA, LYB, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU. As noted prior, we expect the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. However, we’re happy to take these 100% increases and tracking the yr/yr we are well ahead of where we were last year.
Gotta love the year to year improvements. In addition to the 123% increase you also went from 13 different payouts in June 2020 to 23 different payouts in Jun 2021.