For November 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from eight different companies. (BMY, VZ, T, AOS, TXN, ABBV, OHI, & MSM). The total was $307.95. This was a 16% increase from November of 2021 where the total was $265.79. There were no changes in the companies that paid out so the increase is due to additional purchases of these stocks as well as dividend increases year over year. And also despite T cutting there dividend. It looks like it will come down to the wire to see if we can surpass our 2021 total year income with only December to go.


For July 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from nine different companies. (AEG, MO, LECO, GNTX, MSM, CMCSA, CSCO, CIM, and FL). The total was $396.19. This was a 59% decrease from July of 2021 where the total was $969.50. The decrease was the first month over month decrease since the start of the year and can be contributed to the the special dividend payment from VALE that was received in 2021 but not this year. Also SPG paid out in June this year vs July last year. Excluding the special dividend payment we would have had an increase so we are not so concerned and hope to switch back to increases in August.


For May 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from eight different companies (BMY, VZ, T, KT, AOS, ABBV, OHI, & TXN). The total was $359.95. This was a 101% increase from May of 2021 where the total was $179.34. The increase was due to increased payments from six of the companies.  A new payment from KT and despite a reduced dividend payment from T who lowered their dividend when Warner Bros was spun off.


The increase was due to increased payments from T, AOS, TXN, ABBV, OHI, & MSM. Plus new payments from BMY and VZ.

As we turn to the last month of the year we’re shooting to cross the $7,000.00 mark in yearly income. Based on the December’s 2020 payments we should be able to hit it though December 2020 did have a large special payment from MSM which we’ll miss this year. However, with all the investments made throughout the year we’re hopeful we’ll be able to offset that one off.


The increase was due to increase payments from PSX, V, HON, SWKS, JNJ, LYB, EVR, SNA, WBA, RHI, NWL, TSN, PRU, AEG, TROW, EVC, and AVGO. New payments from INTC, AMGN, CVX, MET, and FAF. Restarted dividends from LEA, though less than they were paying pre-pandemic. And Lastly, SPG paying out in Oct last year instead of September as is typical for them.

As noted throughout our posts this year, we expect the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. Overall we’ve crossed our original goal for this year of $4,000.00 in dividend income and are now seeing how much of a beat we can get on the year! We also hit the milestone of crossing $10,000.00 in total dividend income since the start of the portfolio in 2018!


For January 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from ten different companies (SEIC, MO, LECO, GNTX, CSCO, SPG, MSM, CMCSA, FL, and CIM). The total was $274.08. This was a 167% increase from January of 2020 where the total was $102.76. The increase was due to new payments from LECO, SEIC, CSCO. Increased payments from MO, GNTX, and CMCSA. We also had FL, CIM, and MSM pay out in January instead of Feb like last year, which will lower Feb’s payout. And despite payments from AVGO and EVC paying out in December this year instead of Jan like in 2020.

We are excited to start 2021 off with another triple digit increase year over year. However, we except the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month this year as the pandemic through off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. As such the yearly total will be most important to beat.