For December 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twenty-seven different companies (AFL, PSX, V, INTC, F, HON, LYB, JNJ, AMGN, SNA, EVR, SMG, WBA, CVX, MET, SWKS, RHI, FAF, NWL, TSN, PRU, SWK, LEA, TROW, EVC, AVGO, & SPG). The total was $709.55. This was a 44% increase from December of 2021 where the total was $491.66. While we did have two new payors this month (SMG, & SWK) this only accounted for $13.52 of the increase. The majority of the increase is due to added to our existing stocks and dividend increases year over year.

These December payments just squeaked us over last year’s total. The total dividends received in 2022 was $7,420.95 vs  the $7,241.99 we received in 2021. A $178.96 increase or 2% year over year. While this is extremely close year over year we are happy to have beat out 2021 at all since we have some major ‘onetime’ payments from VALE that we knew would not repeat in 2022. For example, in 2021 VALE paid us out a total of $3,642.56 but only $2,175.21 in 2022 – a difference of $1,467.35 we had to overcome and we are happy we were able to.

A full recap of 2022 and comparison year over year will be posted in the coming weeks.

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