For January 2022, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from nine different companies (SEIC, MO, LECO, GNTX, MSM, CMCSA, CIM, & FL). The total was $329.09. This was a 20% increase from January of 2021 where the total was $274.08. The increase was due to increased payments from all nine companies and despite no payment from SPG which paid out in December in 2021 instead of January. A great way to start the new year with a 20% gain from 1 less payout.
For January 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from ten different companies (SEIC, MO, LECO, GNTX, CSCO, SPG, MSM, CMCSA, FL, and CIM). The total was $274.08. This was a 167% increase from January of 2020 where the total was $102.76. The increase was due to new payments from LECO, SEIC, CSCO. Increased payments from MO, GNTX, and CMCSA. We also had FL, CIM, and MSM pay out in January instead of Feb like last year, which will lower Feb’s payout. And despite payments from AVGO and EVC paying out in December this year instead of Jan like in 2020.
We are excited to start 2021 off with another triple digit increase year over year. However, we except the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month this year as the pandemic through off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. As such the yearly total will be most important to beat.