For February 2021, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from five different companies (T, TXN, AOS, ABBV, and OHI). The total was $135.87. This was a 193% decrease from February of 2021 where the total was $398.97. As noted in the January post, this was expected as FL, CIM, and MSM all paid out in January this year as opposed to their typical February payment. Further, MSM last February paid out their regular dividend plus a special one-time dividend of $5/share which really boosted Feb 2020s total. We hope to turn things around in March and get back to seeing increases yr/yr.

As noted prior, we except the year over year percentages to vary wildly from month to month as the pandemic threw off the typical months a bunch of our companies payout. As such, the yearly total will be most important to beat.

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