For August 2020, the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from seven different companies (CIM, T, OHI, VALE, ABBV, AOS, TXN). The total was $425.27. This was a 483% increase from August of 2019 where the total was only $72.91. The difference was increased payments from T, TXN, AOS, ABBV, OHI. Further CIM paid out in August this year instead of July like in 2019. However, the largest part of the increase was from VALE who reinstated their dividend after suspending it back in early 2019 due to a dam collapse at one of their facilities. As VALE is our biggest paying company we’re happy to see regular dividends to start up again. Overall, this is a another great month in spite of everything going on in the world. We cautiously hope to continue the streak month over month to finish out the year strong.

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