For March 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from six different companies (F, V, LYB, PRU, NWL, SWKS). The total was $89.11. This was a 67% decrease from March 2018 where the total was $271.80. The decrease is due to the suspension of the dividend from VALE. VALE suspended its dividend back in January after a massive dam collapse in Brazil. The hope is VALE will pay out the dividend later in the year, but as of now there is no set date. While it’s never good for a company to suspend its dividend this was due to a ‘one time’ event and is not a reflection of the strength of the company itself. As such, we will continue to hold VALE in the portfolio. We hope April brings us back to positive increases!

4 thoughts on “DIVIDEND REPORT :: MARCH 2019”

  1. Not a bad showing considering the suspension. It’s all part of the DGI game. Eventually we all get hit with cuts or eliminations with our dividends. Only way to protect against that is to be diversified and make your dividend income as equal as possible from all your companies. This way any cut won’t sting as bad. Look forward!

    • Hi Tawcan – yes always sucks but if there’s any silver lining the dividend suspension is not due to the business itself but an unfortunate “one off” event due to the dam collapse — hope it is reinstated before the end of the year but if not still looking to beat my 2018 div income without it


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