For September 2019,  the Divs4Jesus Portfolio received dividend income from twelve different companies (F, V, SNA, LYB, PRU, WBA, TSN, NWL, RHI, SWKS, AEG, and TROW). The total was $153.35 This was a 64% decrease from September 2018 where the total was $423.81. The decrease was due to VALE suspending its dividend this year and is a similar result as March when VALE also did not pay. We knew September was going to be a tough month as we anticipated the non-payment from VALE, which accounted for $366.42 of last September’s $423.81 total. After two months in in negative year over year growth we hope to close out the year strong. Our goal is to beat out last year’s total.

2 thoughts on “DIVIDEND REPORT :: SEPTEMBER 2019”

  1. I had a negative yoy growth in August. It doesn’t feel good to see a declining cash flow. However, I like how you keep your focus on the cumulative income for the year. That is also what I try to focus on. As long as the annual income is growing, my goal is being met. Keep it up!

    • Yes we’re focusing on trying to at least beat last year’s total. Should be a close one. At the beginning of the year, we were hoping to be over $2k this year. However, two stocks suspended their dividend, VALE and GME. Last year these two stocks made up 62% of the portfolio’s total dividend income. So its a major hit. But it’s not so bad to know we’ve improved enough that the portfolio may still come out with a year over year gain. Further, while we don’t expect GME to resume a dividend anytime soon VALE’s reason for the suspension was more of a ‘one time’ disaster, which hopefully they will learn and recover from sooner than later. It will make for a nice “bonus” to the portfolio once VALE resumes payouts.


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